How much does ACA health insurance cost?
Uninsured right now and don’t want to be? Then you’re likely wondering how much health insurance is going to cost you.
Whether you get your health plan through your employer or purchase it through the Marketplace, it’s probably a lot more af…Th…
With American Rescue Plan subsidies, most HealthSherpa enrollees have found coverage for
Note to Media: We can provide state-level aggregate data for categories shown here for states where HealthSherpa offers ACA-subsidized policies. Please reach out if you’re interested in additional data.
The annual Mar…The post Wit…
Your Quick Guide to the 2022 Open Enrollment Period
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) ensures that all eligible Americans get an opportunity once a year to buy affordable health coverage for themselves and their families. This is known as Open Enrollment Period, and this year it is from Novembe…The p…
What is the Medicaid gap?
If you don’t have access to health insurance coverage through your employer, what do you do? Fortunately, many low-income Americans can access health coverage, and healthcare, through Medicaid. But what if you earn too much to qualify fo…The pos…
El Plan de rescate de los Estados Unidos amplía los subsidios y hace que el seguro médico de ACA sea más económico para la mayoría de los estadounidenses
El Plan de rescate de los Estados Unidos ya es ley. Esta es la expansión más grande de la Ley sobre Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio desde que se aprobó en 2010 y amplía los subsidios de manera considerable, ya que ofrece un aumento para quienes cal&hell…
The American Rescue Plan expands subsidies, makes ACA health insurance cheaper for most Americans
The American Rescue Plan was recently signed into law. This is the largest expansion of the Affordable Care Act since it was signed in 2010, and the American Rescue plan expands subsidies significantly, both increasing subsidies for thos…The pos…
Nuevo período de inscripción especial de COVID-19: todo lo que necesita saber
La administración de Biden-Harris anunció recientemente un nuevo Período de inscripción especial (Special Enrollment Period, SEP) en el que todos los residentes elegibles pueden inscribirse para la cobertura de salud del 15 de febrer…The post Nu…
The New Special Enrollment Period due to COVID-19: Everything you Need to Know
The Biden-Harris administration has recently announced a new Special Enrollment Period (SEP) where all eligible residents can sign up for health coverage from February 15 to August 15—and they don’t need a Qualifying Life Event to do so. …The po…